
Al-Muzni who is Aboo lbraaheem Isma`eel ibn Yahya said:
"I entered upon ash-Shaafi'ee during his illness which resulted in his death, so I said to him: 'What is your condition?' He replied: "I am journeying from this world, and departing from my brothers, drinking from the cup of death, and upon Allaah - Exalted is His remembrance - arriving. And no! By Allaah, I do not know if my soul is travelling towards Paradise or the Fire!" Then he started to weep, and he said:
'In You, the Creator, I raise my longing, And even if I am, O possessor of kindness and generosity, an evildoer, a criminal,
When my heart became constricted and my paths became narrow,
I took my hope in Your pardon and forgiveness as an opening and an escape,
My sins seemed very great to me but when I compared them to Your forgiveness,
I found Your forgiveness to be greater,
You are and still remain the only One who can forgive sins,
You grant and forgive out of Your benevolence and generosity,
Perhaps the One who is the source of all goodness will forgive and overlook my mistakes,
And will hide the sins and burden that I accumulated,
My sins seemed very great to me, so I turned (to You) in humility,
Were it not for my contentment in you, I wouldn't, O my Lord, have seen any comfort at all,
So if You forgive me, You would have forgiven a sinner, A rebellious, oppressive tyrant still sinning,
So my crime is very great, past and present, But Your forgiveness that embraces Your servant is greater and higher,
So whomsoever holds fast to Allaah is truly saved from mankind, And whomsoever's hopes are in Him, will be far removed from any regrets.'
In translating these lines of poetry I have exercised a certain degree of freedom in order to preserve the emotive content as well as making it readable in the English language. [Translator Note]
Diwaan ash-Shaafi`ee From "Three Forgotten Prayers" by `Adnaan Aali
`Uroor © Call to Islam Da`wah Center, UK 1997
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear sister,
Masha'Allah, that was so beautiful and scary at the same time. A reminder of death and just how much we need Allah.
Jazak'Allah for sharing.
wa aleykum salaam warahmatulaah sis
Baraak allaahu feek sis..I totally agree, Subhaanallah..
May Allah enable us to be just as humble and repentant
Jazaak allaah khair
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